adalah layanan digital yang mengumpulkan, merawat, dan mendistribusikan materi digital. Repositori adalah alat penting untuk melestarikan warisan organisasi, memfasilitasi pelestarian digital dan komunikasi ilmiah.
The objective of this practicum is to design and realize the communication between the ""FW 36 Remote Control"" and a PC via Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus (in hard real-time environment). The FW 36 Remote Control is used to control the manipulator movement of Truck-mounted concrete pumps ofSchwing Company .The control system is designed in the Matlab/Simulink environment. With the growing importance of timing accuracy in simulating control systems during design and development, there is an increased need for these simulations to run in a realĀtime environment. This practicum further more focuses on software tools that support hard real-time environments to run real-time simulations. In this system, Matlab/Simulink was selected as real-time computer aided control design software for demonstrating the real-time simulation.