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Politeknik Manufaktur Bandung

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"321" Program In Politeknik Manufaktur For Better Operations Management Understanding

Gamawan Ananto Subekti


In Bandung State Polytechnic for Manufacturing (POLMAN) Bandung as a vocational education institution, Production Base Education (PBE) is already implemented for years. Through this concept students are doing practical jobs that inquired by real customer from industries, with the Quality-Cost-Delivery (QCD) necessity as well. The student practical program schedule is made structurally, combined with theory and other needed contents according the planned competency for each study program in 3 years (6 semesters). Therefore, so far 2 weeks for practical and 1 week theory alternately is arranged and ran well. Students will then learn all about process and transformation of raw material to product included assembly, but they seem not enough expcrienced in Operation Management and integrating the related manufacture activities. There are feedbacks that POLMAN graduates have adequate capability in technical matters like designing, machining, fabrication etc, but few will in managing could still be improved. In 321 program idea, students will get the first 3 semesters for basic matters needed, the next 2 semesters in integrated continually project program and the last 1 semester for finalization and the additional enrichment items. With this program, students will more concern and get better understanding in project handling comprehensively, integrating all related planning, relevancies among one process to others in order handling and manufacture activities, and be realized in controlling the milestone of supply chain component entities like vendor, logistic, production, sales and customer. The consequences in market and project matter preparation of course has to be highly anticipated.

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